jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008


Wolaaaaa :P os dejo aki una lista k vi en el blog de "http://yugioh-cia.blogspot.com/"

Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Organized PlayImportant Announcement: Forbidden & Limited List Changes
Attention all Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME players, judges and tournament organizers: To continually promote a diverse and enjoyable play environment, a few changes have been made to the Official Forbidden & Limited Lists. The changes are below and are effective for all sanctioned tournaments starting May 9th, 2008.

Advanced Format:
- “Dimension Fusion” is added to the Forbidden Cards List.
- “Return from the Different Dimension” is added to the Limited Cards List.
- “Allure of Darkness” is added to the Semi-Limited Cards List.

Traditional Format:
- “Return from the Different Dimension” is added to the Limited Cards List.
- “Allure of Darkness” is added to the Semi-Limited Cards List.

Duelists cannot include a Forbidden card in their Deck. Only one copy of a Limited card and up to 2 copies of a Semi-Limited card can be included in a Deck.Dan ScheideggerGame DesignerThe Upper Deck CompanyUD Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D Lead.

5 comentarios:

pepe dijo...

ave pa ke koño me pillo io la dimension...

Jonathan dijo...

provisional de que? Haber es la midban, y a partir de mañana abra que respetarla...

PD: Pepe, quedaste como un noob... Aunque en cualquiera de los casos te daban por to los laos, pero as demostrado que te a gustado que te entrara el palo mas gordo... y solo por no haber esperado un dia...

Topo dijo...

Ya me an dixo samu q te a tocado el virus, felicidades

Sephiroth93 dijo...

bueno, no es que me tocara, si no que me lo cambiaron aqui mis compis de jerez que me hacen muchos favores :D

os veo a todos en las jornadas

Topo dijo...

Ahhh vale jejeje y lo mismo te digo, ya os veremos en las jornadas^^